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  • Writer's pictureMayla Janzen

Apr 23, Earthday Market, Vernon Museum & Archives

It's been awhile since I've written a newsletter

And I'm super excited to be getting started again and launching our new 2022 season of events here in Vernon. We've got a great season planned so far, with a focus on community involvement as well as more music and arts in the Park.

We were happy to also get to partner up with some more local organizations to help connect Vernonites with their city. We did our christmas market at the Halina Centre and were told about how they feel they're very unknown in Vernon despite being around for over 40 years... so you'll see more about them this summer. For this weekends event we've partnered up with the Vernon Museum and Archives, who have the most amazing team. They're hosting an Earth Expo series with exhibits focused on 'Imagining Sustainability', and we get to fold into that with a Civic Square party featuring our lovely local makers, as well as Kiki the Eco Elf, and Shabbang Food Truck. So come down and say hi, we'll be setup from 10 to 3. Our regular market season is set to start May 20 (May long weekend), so put that one in your phones calendar, 4 to 8! Link: Vernon Morningstar Article about Earthday and the Upcoming Season

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