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  • Writer's pictureMayla Janzen

First Market Tomorrow!

We've made it! We start tomorrow!

Friday, it's going to be cooler (I've got 31C on my forecast now, so much better than 44C), we're starting a little later to be safe, 4 instead of 3, and we'll be in the park to hang out with you!

We're not at full capacity yet, but for 2.5 weeks to start from scratch, I think this is going to be a great show. There are even a couple extra on that list that came in last minute!

Want to help?

Tell your friends! That's the best thing you can do to help us at this time, and we'd really appreciate it! Also, maybe come down and have some woodfired pizza for dinner and don't worry about cooking, or we also have a vendor with Jamaican food (that's where I'll be, actually, I'll probably do both honestly).


Thanks to Susan Lumsden and Shanna Rowney of the DVA, and to Katie Hopp, Lisa Sousa, Leah Walker and Kendra Kryszak for helping us and approving us to operate in the park.

Feature Vendors

See you tomorrow 4-8pm!

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